NewsFlow is an application that lets you share stories from all over the world. Create your own news by adding photos, videos, text, and links to other sources and share instantly with your head office.

The difficulties with conventional methods of sending news include a lack of user control, a lack of reporting, the distribution of received content across various applications, and a lack of transparent tracking of incoming information, to mention a few.

The NewsFlow app has been designed to be used by journalists, reporters, bloggers, and anyone who wants to broadcast. With the ability to record, you can record at any resolution and upload and share them directly to NRCS or a media asset management platform, the NewsFlow app is the best tool for media gathering.

Here are the few features that make NewsFlow Unique:

Comprehensive reports and audit log

One can also use the NewsFlow to report breaking news, such as natural disasters, political events, and celebrity gossip. The Newsgathering tool will detect when Admin approves or disapproves the media provided and issue the comprehensive report and audit log of each reporter for easy analysis.

Built from the ground up, the application is for non-tech savvy users, so they can simply adapt with the smallest learning curve.

Send Media – Audio, Video, text, Image, and documents

The app allows users to create custom news feeds based on topics such as sports, politics, entertainment, and business. 

You can use this Newsgathering platform to upload any type of media file (audio, video, image, PDF, etc.) and then share it with the head office without using traditional methods like email, social networks, FTTP, or other platforms. You can choose how much control you want to give people when sharing it. You can set up Admin access, Upload only or view only so only certain people can access the media, or allow everyone to view it.


Resumable file upload protocol

If you’re looking for a simple solution to upload files to your NRCS or media asset management tool, we recommend using the NewsFlow application. It has a resumable file upload protocol. This News Gathering method lets users resume interrupted uploads.


It is possible for a user to choose to pause their session, or an interruption may occur accidentally if there was a problem with the network or the server. The upload can be paused at any time and resumed at a later point in time without having to re-upload the content that was already uploaded.


Locate Reporters/Users

Reporters or users can be found via the map view and receive notifications if there are breaking news events happening near them. This feature allows the admin to assign reporters to specific locations, such as a crime scene or a protest rally. 


Using the integrated Google Maps view, you can locate nearby reporters and give them coverage assignments for all stories.

The NewsFlow app has been downloaded over a thousand times since its launch. It is available for download at the Apple Store and Google Play.

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