Nusantara TV - Indonesia
Nusantara TV - Indonesia  

Nusantara TV : Transforming News Production with Workflowlabs


Nusantara TV Jakarta, is one of the leading regional broadcasters in Indonesia. Nusantara TV offers a variety of programming, including news, entertainment, and educational content, aiming to cater to a broad audience both within Indonesia and abroad. It has taken a significant step forward in news production and broadcasting by adopting Workflowlabs solutions. The team at Nusantara TV is led by several key figures who drive the network’s vision and operations

Workflowlabs provides an end-to-end automation solution that covers the entire broadcasting process, from ingest to archive.

Challenges IconChallenges faced

Nusantara TV Jakarta faced numerous challenges in their news production and broadcasting processes:

  • Inefficiency in Media Handling – Traditional methods of handling media were cumbersome and time-consuming.
  • Lack of Integration – The absence of a unified system led to inefficiencies and potential data loss.
  • Complex Media Formats – The need for transcoding various media formats into a standard format added to the workload.
  • Limited User Management – Traditional systems lacked robust user management and audit trails.


  • Disparate Systems – Different teams used different systems, leading to a lack of synchronization and coordination.

Solutions iconSolutions

To address these challenges, Nusantara TV Jakarta implemented the following Workflowlabs solutions:

Nitro Video Server for News Playout

  • Ensures high-performance video playout.
  • Provides reliable and seamless broadcasting capabilities.
  • Enhances the quality and consistency of news broadcasts.

Fusion File Flow for News Automation

  • Automates the entire news production process.
  • Streamlines workflows from content creation to broadcast.
  • Reduces manual intervention, thereby minimizing errors and delays.

Fusion MAM and Archival

  • Centralizes media asset management.
  • Facilitates efficient storage, retrieval, and archiving of media content.
  • Ensures that all media assets are easily accessible and well-organized.

Karthavya Blaze NRCS for Newsroom Management

  • Integrates newsroom computer systems for enhanced coordination.
  • Allows journalists and producers to collaborate seamlessly.
  • Manages news rundowns, assignments, and scripts efficiently.

Newsflow Media Gathering

  • Simplifies the process of gathering media from various sources.
  • Supports multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and web.
  • Provides real-time notifications and location tracking for field reporters.

Implementation and AdaptationSolutions icon

The implementation of Workflowlabs solutions at Nusantara TV Jakarta was carried out in a phased manner:

Phase 1 – Fusion MAM

Deployment of Fusion File Flow and Fusion MAM, automating workflows and centralizing media asset management.

Phase 2

Deployment of Blaze NRCS, ensuring seamless news creation and newsroom coordination by integrating with Fortinge Telepromoter & ClassX Graphics System. Additionally ,deployment and Integration of Workflowlabs Newsflow Media Gathering, simplifying media collection and ensuring real-time updates from field reporters.

Phase 3

Introduction of Nitro Video Server and integration with Blaze NRCS, ensuring seamless news playout and news Automation. The intuitive user interfaces of these tools facilitated quick adaptation among the staff. Training sessions were conducted to ensure that all team members were proficient in using the new systems.  

“Workflowlabs solutions have eased down or elevated our news production process. The seamless integration and automation have significantly improved our efficiency and the quality of our news production & broadcast”                                   
Pak Indra Rodiansyah

Technical Head, Nusantara TV

Conclusion Benefits icon


The implementation of Workflowlabs solutions has been a game-changer for Nusantara TV. By addressing the challenges of traditional news production methods and leveraging advanced technologies, the network has streamlined its operations, improved coordination, and enhanced overall efficiency. This case study underscores the transformative impact of adopting modern, integrated solutions in the media industry.