Nandighosha TV, a rapidly expanding television channel in Odisha, is dedicated to delivering reliable news across various platforms. Nandigosha recently relocated to new premises and seamlessly upgraded to the latest technology. The move was executed flawlessly, with...
Gujarat’s pioneering 24-7 news channel in Ahmedabad has transitioned to a comprehensive automation solution provided by Karthavya & Workflowlabs. The channel has modernized its broadcasting setup by adopting Karthavya’s Blaze NRCS, facilitating...
RTV a 24×7 news channel from Hyderabad enhances Efficiency with Workflowlabs’ Automation Solutions. RTV LIVE, a leading Telugu News and Entertainment hub upgraded its broadcasting setup with Karthavya’s Blaze NRCS, ensuring seamless communication...
T News focuses exclusively on Telangana’s news, events, and culture. Recently, T News transitioned to Karthavya and Workflowlabs’ comprehensive automation solution, enhancing both their efficiency and outreach capabilities The QuickEdge automation...
In the fast-paced world of media production, safeguarding your valuable assets is paramount. With the advent of digital technology, media asset management (MAM) systems have become the backbone of the industry, ensuring seamless workflows and efficient collaboration....